Land surveying

“Landvermessen” took place in September 2010 with the artists Saskia Edens, Leo Devlin, Gisela Hochuli, Sandra Johnston, Monica Klingler, Boedi S. Otong, Andrea Saemann, Barbara Sturm, Boris Nieslony and Judith Röthlisberger. In the first week, they walk up into the valley from the Black Forest Valley for about 20 minutes. The group spends the whole day in the valley, developing solo and open source performances. There are places they play every day, others that may inspire them or invite them to linger. The work in the valley is research. You ask yourself the questions, how can you as performers measure a landscape? What access does their body, their senses, their voice give to the moss-covered stones, to the landscape of the bent trees, to the stream, etc…? They try to develop answers through work. In the evening, the day is discussed. Texts are written for reflections and observations.

In the second week, they continue the laboratory in the cities and also work with what has been found, with the urban “landscape”. They will show solo and open source performances in Lucerne, on the lake sidecoast, in Zurich, as part of the festival “September Performances” in the Kasernenhof in front of Galerie Walcheturm and in Basel, in the industrial area of the Dreiländereck.

A DVD publication was published for the project, which shows the solo and open source performances in the mountains as well as in the cities, and a booklet containing texts by the artists. Order DVD: